solvis media video production company

Recruitment Video Production

We help recruiters and businesses promote their company's culture with video

Get more qualified job candidates, better culture matches, and improve your hiring process

Our recruitment videos help businesses showcase their core values to potential employees. These videos are easy to watch, discuss the hiring process, company culture, history, and more. Get more qualified recruits, and find people that match your values.

How we work with brands to create top-tier recruitment videos

We spend plenty of time getting to know more about your company’s history, and what you’re trying to achieve in the future. We believe in making creative video content that’s authentic and true to identity. Culture match is a key part of recruitment, and a simple video can help applicants better understand what they’re in for. That’s why it’s important to be as truthful as possible in this process. Whether you have a fully written concept that’s ready to be filmed, or just are shopping around, we’d love to hear from you.


About us

Our team is well-versed in a multitude of different video formats, from creating short-form social media content, to producing short documentaries & films. Our versatility comes in handy when working on projects in different industries and companies, who all require different solutions and video strategies. We’ve been doing this for over a decade, and are ready to help your company take the next steps into the world of video production. 

Contact us today for a free consultation & quote!