Our tips and tricks to create incredible branded video content
The story is the soul of the video
In our ever-evolving world of producers, cinematographers, editors, and directors, sometimes creatives can get carried away with snappy, over-the-top elements of videos. This distracts the viewer and takes away from the message that is trying to be conveyed.
At Solvis, one of our mantras is to Stick to the Story! Keep it simple, and understand the mission and goal for each individual video.
Make it last
In News production, journalists ask themselves if a story is “Evergreen” – a story that will remain relevant and won’t become outdated. While news is often a flash in the pan, evergreen video content can be revisited time and time again.
We’re committed to the highest level of creativity we can possibly achieve, with top of the line gear and thoughtful writing. This ensures that a Solvis video will last as long as you need it to for web, TV, online ads, social media, and beyond.
Create new things
Many times over, you’ll see videos in each industry that tend to stick to a cookie-cutter formula. These can become repetitive, stale, and don’t necessarily achieve the right level of excitement that a video can have on a website, social media, or pre-roll ad.
Each concept for a video project should be as unique as the marketing campaign behind it. We always stay collaborative between your team, and our in-house directors, editors and producers.