Hiring a Video Production Company in NYC – Here’s what to know.

To outsource or not to outsource? The question that many companies ask whenever thinking about completing a video production project in NYC. There are many differences between hiring in-house, hiring an out of house production company, hiring an individual freelancer, or hiring a marketing company with a videographer. Hiring a production company or going about a video production project is a tough task. Our experts have compiled a list of options you have to choose from, when looking into video production in New York. When producing a video for your company, there are 4 options to choose from:

  • Hiring a video production company (best choice)
  • Hiring a marketing company with a videographer 
  • Hiring a freelance videographer (lowest cost)
  • Building an in-house team (highest cost)

We’ll go through the key differences between these 4 options, and give you situational examples for each one. 

When & why hire a video production company in NYC

At Solvis Media, our in-house video production team is a company in itself. Video Production companies can help for a multitude of different mid-sized corporate projects:

  • Brand videos
  • Testimonial Videos
  • Corporate Videos
  • About Us videos
  • Product videos
  • And more similar video types

When the budget is under $100,000, and you need the highest-quality videos for your company, but perhaps not a consistent, weekly commitment – a video production company is the option to go with. At Solvis Media, we help you with your video project by writing, directing, filming, and editing professional, high quality videos for a reasonable price, and on schedule. This holds true for TV commercials as well, but the budgets can range a bit higher, due to larger crew sizes, and paying actors, makeup, and adding set design. We have a team in New York, ready to take on projects of all sizes.

NYC Corporate Video Production

When to hire an in-house team

Hiring an in house team: When the deliverables are weekly or daily high-end videos. Budget exceeds $500,000 (non-commercial). This is typically only an option for Fortune 500s & larger companies with large marketing budgets. You’ll need a digital marketing director, CCO, VP of Creative Production, or a similar ‘head’ of the department that not only handles the production side of things, but also translates & aligns the objectives of the company, with the deliverables created by the production team. It’s very important to make sure your in-house production team is aligned with your company’s overall brand goals, not just focused on creating ‘cool’ content. Here are some examples of projects done by in-house creative teams:

  • Branded Video Content Series
  • Documentary Series
  • Weekly/Daily High-Level Video Production (i.e. Podcasts, High Quality Social Media Videos) 

We offer expert consultation services to help put teams in place and hire the right people for large, in-house, weekly/daily projects for Fortune 500 companies. Give us a call or reach out to schedule a free consultation.

When to outsource to a marketing company with a videographer

The average salary of a videographer is $55,000. The average salary of a high-level video production expert is $120,000. The salary gap can give you an idea of the difference in quality. When hiring a ‘videographer,’ the quality of work will most likely be a lot lower than that of a production company. 

branded documentary video production

When to hire a freelance videographer

Hiring a freelance videographer can be a good idea when your business is first starting out. If the budget is lower than $3,000, hiring a videographer could be a good idea. However, it’s important to keep in mind that, especially with video, you get what you pay for – typically these videos are low quality & don’t drive sales. We wouldn’t recommend getting a video done just to ‘get a video done.’ There’s a lot that goes into creating a successful video project that actually sees a return on investment. 

Who to hire for a TV commercial?

Nationally syndicated commercials cost over $500,000, and are much more complex than traditional marketing videos for business. Actors, massive crew, permits, art direction, creative direction & more is required. A production company is necessary to act as a producer, to hire the right people, the right cast, the right crew, and take care of post-production. The production company is typically hired by the creative agency or marketing agency. At Solvis Media, we have the capability to scale up & create TV commercials, with a simple, fixed fee structure for producing. 


Hire a video production company near you in NYC

At Solvis Media, we pride ourselves on creating high quality, results-driven videos for our clients. Have a look at some of our case studies, featured projects, or give us a call at 516-660-3699 for a free quote and consultation. 

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