5 Things Lawyers Need to Know About Video Marketing for Law Firms

At Solvis Media, our video production pros provide law firms and solo attorneys with high-quality video production. We work in all locations throughout the United States. If you are interested in getting a video done, and don’t know where to start, give us a call at 516-660-3699 or email us for a free consultation.

You Can Increase Cases by up to 80% With Video

What would an 80% increase in cases look like for your firm?

Unbounce’s research indicates that including video on landing pages can increase conversion rates by up to 80%. This statistic speaks for itself. For law firms, this means that including a few simple videos on your landing pages can turn more website visitors into clients. Whether it’s a law firm brand video, an attorney bio video, or a client testimonial, all types of Solvis Media-produced video content can introduce your firm to potential clients, and tremendously increase your ‘know, like, and trust’ factors – a key metric in turning clicks into clients. We have a select lineup of videos that perform incredibly well for attorneys across the United States. Read our recent case study on how we helped King Law get 1.5 Million organic (not paid) views on YouTube & digital platforms with our videos.

84% of Customers are Convinced to Buy a Product or Service after Watching a Video

84% of consumers report that they’ve been convinced to purchase a product or service after watching a brand’s video. For lawyers, this means that a well-crafted video can be the deciding factor that persuades a potential client to choose your firm — or not. Knowing this, it’s crucial to get videos produced for your firm. If not, you may fall behind competing firms who have a video. We produce testimonial videos from happy clients, full-scale brand videos, and explainer videos that walk through complex legal topics. Showcase your expertise as a lawyer – and show clients why you’re better than the rest with an authentic video.

A Video We Produced for Cody Warner, a Criminal Defense Attorney

Video Will Help You Rank Page 1 on Google, Bing & all Search Engines

Videos Increase Organic Search Traffic on a Website by 157%. Many firms, even in 2024, are still ‘living in the 90s.’ Smart law firms that invest in digital marketing will gain an unmatched competitive advantage. For law firms, this translates to a greater number of potential clients discovering your services. Videos will make your website more engaging and, most importantly, improve your ranking on search engines like Bing and Google. When potential clients search Google for keywords such as “personal injury lawyer near me”, your firm is much more likely to appear at the top of page 1 – by more than 157% in some circumstances. What would a 157% increase in website traffic mean for your firm’s profits & credibility?

Over 80% of All Internet Traffic Will Be Video by 2025

This projection by Cisco shows the growing dominance of video content online. For law firms, this means adapting to a video-first strategy is critical to staying relevant and reaching a large group of potential clients.

Video content is an excellent source of information, and a much easier way of communicating than text or print ads. In the decision making process to choose a lawyer, clients turn to video for learning. We create videos that explain legal topics, give answers to client questions, and build trust. Law firms that get high-quality, informative videos produced are more likely to capture the attention of potential customers who are searching for lawyers online.

When over 80% of internet traffic will be video, ignoring this could mean missing out on a significant portion of clients. Now is the time for law firms to use video for marketing.

93% of Marketers Say Video Has Brought Them a New Customer

93% of marketers report that video has directly led to gaining a new customer. For client acquisition, video should be a central part of any firm’s marketing strategy – whether it be for TV, Web, YouTube, or Digital Ads.

Contact a Video Producer for Law Firms

In a competitive market, where every client interaction counts, the ability to attract new clients through video gives your firm a significant advantage. By using video in your marketing – on TV, Web, Digital ads, Social Media, and more – you can get more conversions, and see more growth for your firm.

Give your law firm an edge over your competition, by getting a Solvis Media video. Contact us today at 516-660-3699 or send us an email to schedule a free consultation. Let’s work together to create a powerful, effective, and incredibly successful video marketing strategy that grows your business over the long run.

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